meet Paige & Erin

We are Young Living leaders with a passion to help others catch the vision for their Brand Partnership.

Paige Williams
Crown Diamond
Shawsville, VA

Hey! I am so excited you are here! I began my Young Living journey because I had a very sick little girl and was willing to try anything. We had amazing success with the Premium Starter Bundle, and I began to share our story with others. What started as a desire to get our monthly order paid for grew into an amazing career, surrounded by an even greater community.

My desire is to help you launch and grow your Brand Partnership and accomplish the goals that you have. Whether it is getting your products paid for, creating margin for your family, or even giving you greater financial freedom, I want you to be equipped to work hard and pursue just that.

My husband, Josh, and I are raising our three children, Liza Jane, June Apple, and Jedidiah in an old house in Southwest Virginia. We are homeschooling, homesteading-ish, and attempting a really intense home renovation ourselves. I love Jesus, running at an absurdly slow pace, and 90s hip-hop. Let's be friends!

Find me on IG @athomefarmgirl

Erin Rodgers
Royal Crown Diamond
Knoxville, TN

Oh friend, I'm so excited you're holding this book in your hands. This has truly been a labor of love! But, not just the creation of this 100+ pages... the last 9 years of building my own Brand Partnership has been a wild ride, too!

Nearly 10 years ago I was searching for help with my kids. I was focused on immune support, and thankfully I bought the whole kit of oils which unlocked other things we didn't even realize oils could help with. I immediately recognized that I had friends who needed these oils and started sharing with them. I wouldn't stop talking about these oils... and you still can't shut me up!

My husband of 20 years, Bronce, and I live on 85 acres in East Tennessee with our two awesome kids, Eleanor & Graham -- and a couple dozen chickens & some goats.

You can usually find me talking about faith, working in the garden, and asking hard questions on IG @heyerinrodgers