Working a thriving Brand Partnership? Brand new to YL? Rebuilding your team? Need a refresh on terminology and best practices?

We would LOVE to walk through our amazing resource with you and help you maximize your time (and goals) using the Brand Partner Guide.

Join us on these three zoom calls to maximize your Guide usage. yes they will be recorded and uploaded right here when we’re done!

Call One

This call with Erin & Paige walks Brand Partners through understanding the flow of the Guide book and the steps necessary for Milestone 1.

Call Two:

Take a deep dive with us as we work in our NICHE! This call is set up like a "power hour" (don't know what that mean? No worries -- we explain it) and we will guide you through the steps to identify your Niche(s), figure out the questions your leads are asking, and create content that will serve them. We are using printable included with the Brand Partner Guide to facilitate this call.

Call Three:

This is our THIRD call over the Brand Partner Guide and you're invited to join us! Today we're focusing on creating Intentional Sustained Growth in your business -- using two key focus areas:

  • Stabilizing your Organization

  • Intentional Growth Strategy

We are using printable included with the Brand Partner Guide to facilitate this call.

Are you a team Leader? Do you have a team of 1, 5, or 500?

We have training for you too! Click Here to learn more!