So we did a thing.

Are you in our Brand Partner Tips Facebook group? It started as a way to create a permanent host of education about Compensation Plan and other things and has morphed into something even bigger.

Turns out lots of folks are looking for guidance with their Brand Partnership. Are you in there?

We took a poll and asked about each member’s business season and the struggles they’re facing. The results were insane. Just literally mind-boggling. And also… if I can be honest? Super exciting. 99% of the confusion people are facing is mindset. As I read through the 100+ responses I kept wanting to pause and type out “can I offer a suggestion?” but instead Paige and I are going to use this to create a series of phenomenal Zoom calls for you guys.

We want to live train you based on your specific needs. These Zoom calls are free but you do need to sign up to get the details.

Grab those Zoom call details.

And yes, if you can't be on live we'll be sure to send you a link to the recordings. We don't want you to miss out on any growth opportunities!

macbook air displaying woman in white shirt
    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Three Zoom Calls

    LEADERS (Silver+)

    If you are a leader who needs help growing your paycheck by identifying business gaps and knowing where/how to invest your time, then this call for you. During this call, we will walk through how to look at your own organizations and see what you are missing. Plus, we will give you a few easy button ideas for how to best lead your teams and offer them valuable content and training. We know leading has its own challenges but also its own opportunities. So don't miss out on this call! 


    If you are looking to gain Silver or regain Silver in this upcoming season, this call is for you. Are you tired of throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks? Do you need to know where to focus and direct your time and energy to be more strategic? Do you know how to build relationship collateral that results in deep impact and connection? On this call, we are giving you actionable steps for building a Silver level business and creating momentum in your teams.


    If you are just getting started in the business, stepping back in, or need clear direction for your next steps, then this call is for you. We will give you THREE things to do every week to propel your business forward. We want to cut through all the noise and tell you the three questions that you should be asking that will give you clear direction and produce results. Plus, we want to make sure you know how to scale your business and take this to the next level. Don't miss out on this call!.